Why You Haven’t Heard about Therapeutic Peptides (Until Now)

There has been a massive surge of research in the use of therapeutic peptides for their wide range of benefits.

For decades, people have used peptides for a wide array of health purposes but only recently have they become mainstream. 

The hype has primarily been due to the results of clinical studies that showed that these peptides could kill tumor cells, are non-toxic to healthy cells, and dramatically impact a patient’s overall health and well-being.

Peptides were formerly deemed inferior to small molecules, but breakthroughs and advances have sparked interest in their many therapeutic uses. 

What Are Peptides?

Although peptides are naturally occurring substances in the body, they are not to be confused with proteins.

Peptides are "building blocks" of proteins that shape and define structure, or they serve as "messengers" of various functions, such as the secretion of hormones. 

The peptide is a small molecule made up of a sequence of amino acids, which translates into a complicated structure.

Therapeutic peptides are short amino acid chains (less than 100) that work by binding to specific cell surface receptors, triggering intracellular pathways. 

These peptides can be chains of a single type of amino acid or short chains of different amino acids linked by peptide bonds. 

You can find peptides in nature, or your body can synthesize them.

Peptides have a wide range of therapeutic uses as drugs, cosmetic products, and food supplements.

The Many Health Benefits of Peptides

The benefits of peptides, being a naturally occurring element that composes the human body, can range from anti-aging, anti-oxidation, and anti-inflammatory to joint and ligament healing.

The body uses peptides in many ways. 

They can be hormones and neurotransmitters that relay messages to different organs and cells. 

There is also evidence that they play a role in blood clotting by binding together with platelets or other components of your immune system. 

Many creams you may use on your skin for various conditions such as psoriasis or eczema can contain peptides. 

Peptides can help repair damaged tissues and organs or control the immune system and other functions. 

Many peptides have an immunomodulatory effect, which helps to calm the immune system down and prevent it from attacking healthy tissues.

Prevent Age-Related Bone Loss

As we age, our bone structure gradually becomes less dense. 

That, in turn, negatively affects our ability to absorb calcium, the mineral that builds bones and keeps us strong. 

Powerful osteoporosis medications are currently able to delay osteoporosis and reduce bone loss, but they come at a price — many of them are very costly and may cause side effects.

Ingesting peptides is a safe alternative that can help increase bone mass

Build Strength and Muscle Mass

Peptides are a natural way to help build muscle mass and strength. 

Research on older adults reveals that peptide supplements can increase muscle mass and strength combined with resistance training. 

The body stores most of its protein in the muscles, making it an essential component of strength and muscle mass. 

Peptides, the short chains of amino acids, make up the building blocks of the proteins responsible for all of the vital functions of your body. 

Muscle cells are susceptible to amino acids and peptides, and as a result, the body can use them as fuel to help build muscle mass and strength. 

Improve Wound Healing

The body makes peptides to strengthen the immune system and repair damaged organs, making them an ideal treatment for damaged skin due to their effectiveness in healing wounds

Peptides have many beneficial effects on wounds, such as repairing and regenerating damaged tissue, encouraging the growth of new tissue, and stimulating new blood vessels to help the body heal itself.

Peptides are commonly found in topical treatments for skin wounds.

Slow Down the Aging Process

Peptides increase collagen production and protect from DNA damage caused by UV radiation or other environmental factors. 

Collagen is the most abundant protein that makes up the skin, hair, and nails. 

Peptides help stimulate the production of melanin to improve the skin’s protection against sun damage.

The #1 Therapeutic Peptide For Better Health And Radiant Skin

When it comes to skincare, the copper peptide GHK-Cu is one of the most powerful multi-functional peptides to come across in cosmetics.

Copper peptides are a class of molecules that contain copper and amino acids such as lysine and glycine.

GHK-Cu has been used for years as a treatment for various skin diseases, including psoriasis and eczema. 

Copper peptides are also added to beauty products to prevent premature aging.

This peptide has been shown to increase collagen and elastin production, thereby promoting healthy skin, tendons, and ligaments. 

It is also a potent anti-inflammatory agent, able to stop the process of inflammatory cell invasion.

Skin Enhancement Products 

For people looking to enhance the health of their skin, several products can help make their skin better and retain its youthful appearance.

For example, creams made with copper peptides can help with skin firming and blood flow.

Aseir Custom’s high-performance Sky Blue Cream and Royal Blue Serum both contain the copper peptide GHK-Cu. 

They are super-effective anti-wrinkle treatments that can work wonders to maintain youthful-looking skin.

Together, the products can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles and even improve your skin complexion. 

The benefits of GHK-Cu on skin regeneration are just as effective using transdermal formulas, without the need for invasive procedures.

Not to mention being phenomenal for hair regrowth, as evidenced by our highly popular hair loss reversal formulation Auxano Grow V2!

Whether you use just one of all of our products, you are guaranteed to experience the transformative anti-aging power of GHK-Cu.